Peace is the vibration of love manifested into light.
Peace is the heart vibrations of goodwill, empathy, and kindness at the higher spectrum of light we call reality. Only love and its vibrations can manifest into the reality of peace. This is because love is the actual frequency of peace: a divine vibration that propels life, cosmic harmony, spiritual unity, order, happiness, and cooperation. There are no political or military solutions that can materialize a reality of peace. Peace requires the creation of a shared reality based on love with our adversaries. Peace is not a state of existence that lies outside of our being; it is a vibration of our souls and consciousness.
Like love, peace is an agreement of the heart, a harmonic coherence of heart forces between two or more parties. The parties have to reach an emotional agreement based on the energy of love; an agreement beyond the superficial meaning of words that goes to the very core of the human essence—the soul—to form spiritual harmony, which is the true agreement. Thus, peace is not an agreement of words, but an agreement of soul nature. Words without the heart forces of emotion are empty local energies. They do not resonate with the soul’s sphere of reality. Thus, true peace can only be maintained as long as the parties maintain a harmony based on goodwill and other love-related energies.